Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Open Letter

I've been reading this really fascinating book called "Spontaneous Evolution". It explores the world of healing and humanity's evolution by recapping our biological, religious, political and scientific histories through a lens that marries spirit and science. The book shares how our commonly held paradigms of "how things work" has been dramatically challenged in the last 100 years by science, and our public perception has yet to catch up. Our modern thought is not so very modern after all. The future, so to speak, is already here but many don't recognize it.

I love books that bend my mind. Because of books like these, and because of my journey with art and healing over the past 2 years, I am starting to wake up and become a little bit more of an activist. I'm less satisfied with stressfully living my own life and more interested in being a part of a movement that wants to illuminate beauty and connection. We live is startling and magnificent times. I will recap some of my favorite 'new facts' in a post next week.

For now, I wanted to share a letter I sent to the Obama Campaign headquarters this month. I'm urging them to consider crafting a new American Myth that lives in balance with this land. I encourage every reader to find a way to raise your voice for one another. 

To the Obama Campaign,
I have emailed this letter to your campaign but I also wanted to mail it.  I feel compelled to let you know about an important issue that will decide who I support for president in 2012.
Hydrofracking is taking over my neck of the woods in Pennsylvania and I -- along with a growing group of citizens -- want it to stop. The President's position on natural gas harvesting of the Marcellus Shale is more or less supportive and I think it's worth it to share that he won't get my vote this time around if he touts this fossil fuel as the answer to our energy future or new sustainable jobs. I suspect I’m not alone. This is a tipping point issue.

I have become increasingly concerned with this administration's leadership on environmental stewardship as it relates to energy production; it's not nearly creative or inspiring enough. We as a nation need a vision to embrace when it comes to making these changes, we need an ambitious and seemingly impossible goal to strive towards, we need a new national story or new American myth of living in balance with our resources. I expect fierce and committed leadership on this issue as there is a clock ticking. Employ the youth and children in this endeavor and it will get done. Employ our president to lead the way and it will get done.

I had hoped that when I saw Obama stumping for election last time – when he very clearly said we'd bring about the end of the combustion engine -- that this would be a man who could lead us into a truly visionary future.

I haven't seen this future. I've seen nearly the opposite. Time and time again environmentally sound vision and policy gets woefully compromised. The natural gas drilling via the hydrofracking method is just another example, and I think people who care about this have had enough. We see the planet changing right before our eyes. It’s breaking our hearts.

Pittsburgh has an incredible resource in abundance of water. To use gross amounts of that resource for non-renewable fossil fuel extraction and to risk the pollution of that resource for future use, is doubly reckless in my view. The Obama campaign needs to know that simply getting clever or ‘smart’ about monitoring this type of drilling is not only reckless for the environment and our energy future, it’s also reckless for re-election. 
This is a real and very personal issue for me. I have been detoxing from industrial pollutants for the past 2 years and been feeling pretty awful for about 4 years (which suspiciously coincides with the uptick in drilling downwind from where I live).  Environmental illness causes job loss due to fatigue, lack of mental capacity, and frequent infections, and potential financial ruin due to expensive medical treatments that are outside of health insurance coverage. I'm lucky -- I'm recovering slowly but surely from my illness. However, if the environmental assault continues how will I ever become a fully productive member of society again?

I won't be silent if Candidate Obama campaigns on the back of my and my neighbor's health and the dangerous extraction of this region's resource, in exchange for the pollution of our other resources. I will actively campaign against him if there is any alternative to put someone in office who will do right by our planet's energy future, whether that person can win or not.

Don't get me wrong. I want Obama to be the guy, I truly do. I just haven't seen it yet on these issues. The chemical warfare waged by corporations because of the Marcellus Shale is the tipping point. 
I don’t presume that one letter will change his mind or your plan of action, but I thought it was worth mentioning so the re-election campaign could consider this new reality coming out of Pennsylvania.
Thank you for your time and for listening. I am open to further conversation if you have any questions.

Best wishes,
Heather Kropf
Pittsburgh, PA

Monday, June 6, 2011

Quiet minds and global surrenders

It's been months since I've logged on to this blog. I think that's probably a good thing. I started feeling pretty awesome around the time I was songwriting. Then, like a runaway train, I kept on rolling just a bit too amped up, a bit too intent on getting somewhere.

And I crashed.

One of the things I've begun to really care about is the hydrofracking natural gas drilling that's every expression of imbalance, corporate domination, and backward energy-thinking, that's infiltrated the state of Pennsylvania. I kind of started caring a bit too much.

Question #1: How do you become an activist without losing your center? 
Answer: I'm thinking it's Buddhist in nature but I don't know what it is.
Answer #2: Love.

My heavy metals detox has progressed pretty well, I think. My second labs show that of the three highest metals, one is now totally gone and the other two are within "reference" range. So, I've got some work to do but nothing is elevated anymore.

My adrenals started acting up and I started getting sick a lot, again. So I'm taking a break from the sauna and the detox for the summer in favor of a few other things.

The other things: I had been on track to start making my 4th album, and on track to begin doing repairs on my house to get the mold remediated and get it ready to sell.

But I crashed, remember? 

So I started seeing a new person just for some immune support and adrenal recovery. We found out my entire system is all compromised, so I find myself on a new regimen of products. This time, it's all about getting my body alkaline. And interrupting the interference caused by scars. In my case TB and Small Pox vaccines.

Question #2: How do you know when you're too much on the journey? How do you know when to take a vacation?
Answer: I think it's got something to do with accepting that your timeline isn't really your timeline. My boyfriend reminded me that this is my journey and I'm on it. Although I want to fix up the house and make an album and do all the things that give me pleasure, I'm not done healing. This is my path.
Answer #2: You know when you no longer ask the question.

So, more Netflix movies (been watching all about Ancient Aliens!) and staying home and cooking alkaline meals and juices. Marveling at the wonder of early summer -- my nasturtiums are poking out of the ground. So are the basil seeds and mexican sunflowers.

I started 30 wysteria from seeds and one grew!!! Then the cat noshed on it yesterday and it's looking a little sad. Maja barfed it up and we monitored her pretty closely yesterday to see if the poison was doing more damage. She seems fine.

Meanwhile, I practice being who I want to become; I wait for a time of a quiet mind and a massive global surrender to love.